Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Week 16-ish

More energy - check. Appetite - double check. Peeing every 5 minutes - check. I think I'm having a pretty normal pregnancy. This week I have an apple. Last week was a peach (although Wes likes to argue they are very close in size and they should find some other fruit to compare our child with). I would like to see them use things other than fruit. Maybe a stapler or a Kleenex box.

I'm on a baby book kick right now. I want to find all of my favorite stories from when I was little so I can read them to him/her. My dad and I are trying to find a copy of the Night Before Christmas that my Grandpa Merchant had given me when I was younger. I LOVED that book on Christmas Eve! My best friend, Carper, was visiting from Arizona last weekend and she introduced me to Half Priced Books. I was like a kid in a candy store! Every childhood book you could think of! The Bernstain Bears, Little Critter, Clifford, Beatrix Potter, every Disney book imaginable, Arthur, Franklin the turtle. It was amazing. I walked away with what Wes would allow me to. If you have any suggestions of fun kids books (new or old!) let me know.

The little munchkin is starting to protrude, which I'm glad for because I don't want everyone thinking I just gained a TON of summer weight. Wes FINALLY believes I'm pregnant now that I'm starting to show. Weird how two doctor's appointments and 9 pregnancy tests didn't set him straight...

I think he's beginning to get a little excited, which is good because I need that excitement and adrenaline to get him to get some projects done around the house :) Baby's room, guest room, and a new Kitchen floor, along with a few smaller projects around the house. We've been trying out a few names but he's stuck on the name Max. It's a cute name but I don't think it's for us. I need something with a little more ZING! I don't want to give our baby a name that everyone else in the world has (Ashley!) so I keep trying to find new names. My mom doesn't like anything that varies from your standard George, Frank, Joe kind of deal.

I am starting to miss wine. Not that I ever drank a lot before, but just a glass when I watch my Real Housewives of New Jersey & New York. A glass here after a hard day's work, a glass there to just deal with the dogs. But in my dreams...
No really, in my dream the other night I was at a winery in California and I was squashing grapes just like Lucy (Wes swears I was Lucy in my previous life).

I went home last weekend and was able to see the family, which was nice. Susie won't stop looking/touching me and my brother likes to make crude jokes about how fat I am. Ahhh, good to be home. Both Wes's Mom and my mom have purchased cribs and strollers and the lot for their own houses. Apparently the baby will be spending the majority of it's time with them and not me so I'm off the hook after delivery. SWEET! No, but really, the baby will have 2 very wonderful grandmothers that I will have to make sure won't spoil the him/her.

We went to our 16 week appointment yesterday. A verrry boring appointment. I did meet my new OB and I LOVE HER! If you are in the Omaha area, Dr. Phillips at Methodist Women's Hospital is all that and a bag of Cheetoh's. We heard the heartbeat, a strong 140bpm. Our next appointment will be the BIG one, boy or girl.

Until next time...

1 comment:

  1. like your blog. You write in a very colorful style.

