Sunday, August 28, 2011

The SECOND Biggest News of My Life...

It's a Girl! I'm sure that most of you already know via me, my mom, or my mother-in-law but there it is: it is a girl!
And so it begins! The dresses, the shoes, the hair ties, the ballet slippers and the dance recitals. Or maybe it will be soccer balls, cleats, basketball shorts and all-weekend tournaments. OR MAYBE she will be like her mother and it will be band instruments, marching band uniforms, choir concerts, sheet music and All-State competitions :) Regardless of the road she travels down, she will more than likely be mediocre at everything, as this is the Merchant gene that I carry ;) She could take after her father and be a step above mediocre...

The ultrasound was the COOLEST thing I have ever seen. She really looks like a little person! From her head to her tiny little toes. The ultrasound tech and my OB couldn't get over her pointy little nose (Thanks Mom for that one;)) and how cute it looks. It actually reminds me of those Kleenex cartoon people that you see on TV.

Hopefully it will round out before the delivery because it looked a little sharp. We were sent home with a lot of very cute photos including one where she was sucking her thumb. The tech was very excited about the photo she snapped of the baby yawning. I personally thought it was kind of creepy and reminded me of a Halloween costume but I am obligated to say it's beautiful. Wes has apparently missed his calling as he was naming most of the body parts before the tech was, including the girl parts! This could either be a really good thing... or really bad. His reaction when he first found out it was a girl: "Oh no another Ashley."

I don't blame him, I haven't made it exactly easy on the poor boy. But it keeps him on his toes and he knows better then to ever get comfortable because I'm bound to have some idea or dream that I want to pursue and he had damn well better be behind me 100%. Selling insurance, saving the penguins, selling Mary Kay, going to nursing school and deciding a few months later it wasn't what I really felt like doing, wanting to move to NYC. So yes, if she turns out like me... Poor, poor Wes. But at least she won't be boring. His next thought after the news: "More girls?" Margaret, Mavis, and I were more than he could handle for the last 2 years and now add a little baby girl into the mix... it's bound to get interesting!

We have been so fortunate to have such a loving and supportive family as I already have a full baby room! Crib, rocking chair, bedding, stroller, changing table and dresser. Wes's dad was here this week helping him with a few fixes around the house and then my family will be here over Labor Day weekend to help paint. I have made a VERRRY long list of things for my dad to do as well. Just a few things that poor Wesley hasn't learned how to do yet such as finding where the leak came from, fixing the ice machine, and finding the squeak in the dryer. I'm told these things come with age... is this true? I hope so!

I tried to explain to the dogs that Mommy and Daddy will be bringing home another little girl. I really think Margaret is excited. She seems very ready to take on the big sister role. Mavis seemed a little nervous but then again that's just her.

Wes and I are very excited for the change of seasons and for Fall to finally come. I love the cooler temperatures, color of the leaves, the football games (Go Clones!), and the smell of the air. We have decided to go to one last football game 'baby free'. This will be a very different experience than any other football game as I will not be able to drink. I may just make it to the football game this time ;)

If anyone knows where I can find a Cyclone Cheerleader outfit... please let me know!